What to do with this mountain of rubbish?

What to do with this mountain of rubbish?

written by Malgorzata Ogonowska, Artur Rogoś
illustrated by Maciek Blaźniak

The earth is drowning in garbage and if we don’t act soon, a great catastrophe awaits us. Everyone can help save the planet – even children. So, this is what this book is about: how to change our habits and thinking, how not to buy unnecessary things, and what to do to avoid throwing away so much. The authors explain how important this is and provide practical and effective tips how to reduce the amount of rubbish in everyday life. Changing our lifestyle can prove difficult, but it’s well worth the effort.
The book is written in simple, easy-to-grasp language and illustrated in a modern style that is clear and, at the same time, packed with humour.

32 pages
format 185x260 mm
ISBN 9788381180443
Rights sold: Russian