This collection of charming stories brings together a whole galaxy of eccentric heroes: the good-natured Frumpty, his grumpy friend Scrapman, the younger sock-stealer Clanker and many other unusual characters. One day, this small community is shocked by news of the appearance of the mysterious Cohen Seedence. For defensive purposes, the creatures build a fence, but this decision turns out to be somewhat unfortunate. No one knows whether Cohen is on this or the other side of the fence. How will the residents of the Neighbourhood deal with the threat? They are sure to come up with something completely out of the blue. This upbeat story packed with imagination invites the reader into its world to meet Frumpty and his friends and join them in some momentous events such as the storm or the end of the world. The colourful, exuberant illustrations by Adam Pękalski perfectly reflect the mood of the story.